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Monday 3 August 2009


After a lecture by Juniper Jairala on her work testing EVA technologies, we spent some time in our teams doing project work. Then to Oriental Gourmet for an amazing and varied buffet meal.

During a Texas thunderstorm we rushed to the vans and headed off to Brazos Bend State Park

At Brazos Bend there is a visitor centre dedicated to public education, and about half the space is made up as a simulation mission control and spacecraft, where students can participate in a mission to the moon and on to Mars. The simulation is as realistic as possible and students get really involved!

After the simulation we went for a walk around the lake and saw big banana spiders, racoons, herons and an alligator. Really hot, but an amzing and beautiful place.

After a meal and an an astronomy lecture we were treated to a couple of hours of stargazing through the massive telescopes of the George Observatory situated on top of the visitors' centre.
A long day but absolutely brilliant!

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