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Monday 3 August 2009


My kind host family took me to the San Jacinto monument, the tallest monument in the world. An elevator takes you nearly to the top and from there you have views of the Houston Sea Channel, the bayous and the massive oil refinery installations.

Also at San Jacinto is the USS Texas, a destroyer which served in both world wars. This panorama shot shows the stern of the Texas and the sea channel.

Although this was supposed to be a host family day we were given a surprise event: the return of the shuttle crew to Ellington Airbase. One of the crew of STS-127 had remained behind on the ISS and the first Japanese astronaut was brought back instead.
Here the crew file up on stage to a rousing bit of music (Alison tells me it's the Stars and Stripes March, and she would know).

The Japanese astronaut gets a Texas welcome!

From the airbase we proceeded to a football stadium and watched a game of football, getting home about 10pm.

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